
makers / Trollope & Sons

Trollope & Sons


Having their origins in the last quarter of the Eighteenth Century, in Parliament Street London, George Trollope expanded the company exponentially in 1840, and the company was registered in 1843 as George Trollope and Sons, and their showroom, grandly entitled ‘ The Museum of Decorative Art ‘ in Halkin Street Belgravia, attracted the great and the good. By 1870, as well as the above addresses they opened at Grosvenor Street, High Street Vauxhall, and the Belgravia Works. They exhibited at the 1851 Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1852, gaining a ‘notable mention’ with their bedroom suite, and also the 1862 International Exhibition, when their Carved Ebony Cabinet merited a full page description. They were regarded as at the very least, equal in ability to Wright& Mansfield, JG Crace, Holland & Sons, Collinson and Lock inter alia.