Collection / Paintings & Screens
A Pair of Paintings Depicting Birds
A Painted Five-Fold Screen In the Manner of Michelangelo Pergolesi
A Large Pair of Framed Porcelain Plaques Of Tavern Scenes By Jean-Pierre Feuillet
A Fine Pair of Framed Porcelain Plaques Of Tavern Scenes By Jean-Pierre Feuillet
A Fine Pair of Framed Circular Porcelain Plaques After David Teniers by Feuillet
A Dutch Genre Scene After the original by Jan Vermeer Entitled 'The Love Letter'
An Oil on Panel of 'The First Day at School' by Vida Gabor
'The Young Artist' By Joseph Clark (1834 - 1926)
Interior of the Harem By Eduardo León Garrido (1856-1949)
A Rare & Large Micromosaic Panel of The Doves of Pliny
An Important and Rare Suite of Napoleon III Painted Panels
A Pair of Pompeian Interior Scenes by Egisto Sarri
A Striking Painting in the Art Deco Manner by Helge Helme
The Barber of Seville By Luis Alvarez Catalá
A Musical Automaton Clock Depicting Napoleon at Fontainebleau
A Six Panelled Screen of the late Baroque Period
A Rare Four-Fold Screen The panels by Maud Earl
An Elegant Lady Admiring her Present By Auguste Toulmouche
A Porcelain Plaque of Venus By Abraham Constantin
Beauty Daydreaming by J.P.O Coomans
‘Les Lavandieres’ by Sir William Llewellyn PRA
A Three-Fold Vernis Martin Screen In the Louis XV Manner
'The Sisters' by Louis Adolphe Tessier
‘His Old Wedding Hat’ by Charles Spencelayh
An Important Pair of Large Micromosaic Plaques From The Vatican Studios of Rome
‘Summer Reflections’ Painting by William Stephen Coleman
‘The Skating Party’ By Louis Béroud
'Kew Gardens' By Augustus W. Enness
‘Nude in My Studio’ by Ken Howard (b1932)
A Florentine Pietra Dura Panel