
Collection / Grand Tour


A Grand Tour Circular Table Top Possibly by Domenico Moglia

A Grand Tour Circular Table Top Possibly by Domenico Moglia

Dimensions: Dia: 17.5 in / 44 cm

PRICE: £16,500


A Grand Tour Circular Table Top
Possibly by Domenico Moglia

The circular platform of marmore nero, inset with fine micromosaic panels consisting of hundreds of coloured glass tesserae; a central flower bouquet sit within a malachite border surrounded by a border including four cartouches in conforming malachite reserves representing Roman views including the Arch of Titus, the Temple of Vesta, the Capitoline Hill, and the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, connected by floral garlands.
Italy, circa 1855

Domenico Moglia (1780 - 1862)

Brothers, Luigi and Domenico Moglia, are celebrated as two of the few great mosaicists of the 19th century. Both are recorded as exhibiting at the 1851 Great Exhibition, London. Domenico's work included micromosaics plaques depicting views of 'the roman forum', 'the colosseum', and the 'temples of Paestum.'

The Lombardi Museum contains a collection of architectural drawings by Domenico. It can be observed that his work as a draftsman is evident in his exacting architectural structure and quality detail and execution in his micromosaic work of architectural scenes.

REF No. 9532

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