
Collection / Sculpture / Busts


A Faience Bust of Diana After Louis-Robert Carrier-Belleuse

A Faience Bust of Diana After Louis-Robert Carrier-Belleuse

Dimensions: 30 in / 76.5 cm

PRICE: £16,000


A Faience Bust of Diana
After Louis-Robert Carrier-Belleuse

The white glazed ceramic bust representing Diana, goddess of the hunt and the moon,
wearing the attribute of the crescent moon as a diadem, a toga draped over her shoulder as she glances sideways. On a velvet covered socle. Signed ‘A. Louis. Carrier-Belleuse.’
French, circa 1895

Son of the famous sculptor Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse, Louis-Robert became director of the Choisy-le-roi faience factory in 1889, which produced this bust after his design.

Faience was first produced at the Choisy-le-roi manufactury as early as 1804, and by the mid-19th century employed around 300 skilled craftsmen operating four kilns. Under the tutelage of the Boulenger family, they exhibited at several international exhibition and became recognised as masters of majolica and other glazed pottery manufacture.

REF No. 10353

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